Bila kau senyum, ku gembira
When you smile, I am happy
Bila kau sedih, ku menangis
When you are sad, I cry
Bagai taman rindukan kembang
Like a garden missing the beetles (Sounds ridiculous.)
Ku rindu wajahmu oh! sayang
I miss you too Oh my love/ darling
Di mana saja kau berada
Wherever you are
Ku kan tetap bersamamu
I will always be with you
Walaupun jasadmu jauh
Even though your body is far
Namun hatimu dekat selalu
Your heart will always be near
Walau duri halangan menimpa
Although now obstacles are there
Bila cinta ada ku tetap setia
When Love is there I will always be loyal/faithful
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Only you and romance
Membuat hidupku bagai
Makes me feel like I am
Dalam Syurga
In Heaven/ Paradise
Biar masa berganti masa
Let the time pass by (literal traslation: time replaced by time)
Biar pun musim berubah
Let the seasons change too
Telah ku katakan padamu oh! sayang
Have I told you oh! my love/ darling
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan
Only power of God, can sperate us
Jika kau tanya pada rembulan
If you ask the moon
Mengapa cahaya berseri-seri
Why it is spreading its light around
Tentu jawabnya kepadamu
Then it will answer to you
Kerna dikau cinta padaku
because of your love for me
Ku persembahkan kepadamu
I present you
Sekuntum bunga mawar merah
One red rose
Kau terima sambil tersenyum
You take it smiling
Kembang yang harum kau cium
The sweet smelling bloom that you kiss
Bila saja halangan menimpa
Whenever there are obstacles
Kerna cinta ada ku tetap setia
If love is there, I will always be faithful/ loyal
Hanya dikau dan asmara
Only you and romance
Membuat hidupku bagai
Makes me feel like I am
Dalam Syurga
In Heaven/ Paradise
Dua insan sedang bercinta
Two people/ souls in love
Dua insan berjanji setia
Two people/ souls making promises of faithfulness/ loyalty
Telah ku katakan padamu oh! sayang
Have I told you oh! my love/ darling
Hanya kuasa Tuhan dapat memisahkan
Only power of God can seperate us.

TAGS: Love songs Lyrics Personal
i spent my teenage year singing along shahrizan's album.. local singer also wan hehe...
yeah well i guess that its best if it sticks in malay.
some things just lose meaning when u translate them, yknow?
I think the ex-karaoke team of me, khaizul nor ez would ever even attempt to sing the first line...
NOT!!! haha
Hmmm.... why jiwang so suddenly?.... aaaaaah the valentine fever still in the
Cyber-red: Didn't listen to local singers much until I started going to Karaokes with my friends.
Hardy: Yep! Only 2 or 3 times a session :-)
Madder: Well everyday is a Valentine day for me. ;-) Oh no! The bug got to me too.
Wow. Really mushy lyrics. Should provide the mp3 as well :P :P
Nice one. You didn't record your singing to share with us? :)
now thats nice :)
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