26 December 2003

Long Break and the Mozart Effect

I hope all of you had a very merry Christmas. Had a long nice break this week. I guess I really deserved it and it was nice to spend some time with my wife and baby daughter without work on my mind. However, it’s back to work again. Rahil is growing fast and she is getting prettier and prettier. Initially everyone kept mistaking her for a boy but her eyelashes are getting longer and she also has a dimple when she smiles. I had been hearing a lot about the "Mozart Effect" and decided to do some research on it. According to this theory, music (especially classical compositions by Mozart) can enhance the intellect of a developing child. We didn't see any harm in it and decided to invest a bit of money in some Classical music CDs. We were really surprised when we found out that there are specific titles out there in the market targeted at parents. We bought Mozart Effect CDs vol. 3 and 4 but I couldn't get my hands on vols. 1 and 2 which were out of stock. Is it just my imagination or is Rahil smiling a lot more after listening to the CDs for only 2 days?

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