23 December 2003

Peace in the future?

There were some good International news this week with signs of improving bilateral relations between traditional enemies India and Pakistan. Libya announced that they were ready to sign additional protocols of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) which will mean tougher UN checks. Libya's leader Col Muammar Gaddafi also announced that they were stopping their banned weapons programme- including chemical, biological and nuclear. Iran had already signed the additional protocol recently. Now Israel is the only middle east country with weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Talking about Israel, a group of soldiers from the elite Sayerat Matkal commando unit have refused to take part in operations in occupied territories saying that they no longer wanted to join in a "rule of opression". Just 3 months ago 25 pilots were grounded for refusing to take part in bombings in Palestinian areas. This is a part of the growing refusenik movement in Israel. Read the Personal Testimony of an Israeli Refusenik By Asaf Oron.

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