29 December 2003

Parents visiting

Since I hadn't visited them for quite sometime, my parents decided to come over to my place to visit me all the way from Kota Bahru, Kelantan. Its not that I didn't want to see them or anything but somehow whenever I had some days off, I would be rushing over to KL to see my babies. They were sad that they could not see Rahil but we decided that she was too young to take such a long journey. However, I would be going over to Kota Bharu during the Chinese New Year with my wife and Rahil. The minute they opened the door to my small house, my mum started fussing over the place - cleaning and rearranging things. I guess all mums are like that. Of course the place is messy. I used to cook when I was a bachelor in KL but decided that its not worth it now. Just go out and have a bite - no messy plates to clean and no greasy aroma in the house. At the most I make tea or coffee and sometimes Maggi. I am married but still living like a bachelor and whenever I am free - I am in KL. I mostly use the place for sleeping and waching TV. Last night watched Juara Lagu before sleeping. Not as lucky as Jolliekins. Quite interesting and the great new talent. Don't you agree? But I still like the old timers - Ella, Noraniza Idris and of course Siti. Oops sorry - they are all still young.

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