30 September 2003

Unfinished work

Got a load of unfinished work on my desk and less than 2 weeks to submit it in. I also have a presentation tomorrow and I haven't even started working on my power point prsentation yet. However, I still have the time to read other blogs and write something down here. Its the 'Tidak Apa' bug again. I am not the type to do my work at the last minute but I guess I am getting infected by the easy going atmosphere around here. Got to hypnotise myself. Stop reading the e-mails. Shut off the Yahoo and hotmail messenger. Pull out the LAN line. arrgh! Couldn't do it! Its going to be a late night, tonight.

29 September 2003

Edisi Siasat

Edisi Siasat on NTV7 has become one of my favourite TV programmes. According to my friends, however, of late the topics they cover are not that interesting anymore- if you know what I mean. They have moved on to safer subjects like "rice smuggling". I heard that viewership ratings hit the ceiling and I guess it will be on the slide down from now. In fact the first episode I saw was the "Ulu Yam" story. I had gone over to my friend's place to ask him out for a drink when I found him glued to the set. I was just in time to see the head of girl in Tudung moving back and forth. Being a shy type of guy, I closed my eyes (Yah! right). Anyway! my friend told me that Edisi Siasat is soooo boring now.
I ended up wondering why many people found the stories so shocking or interesting. There was nothing new about the stories and is considered a fact of life in Malaysia. Prostitution, homosexuality, effeminate men 'Lelaki Lembut', pornography, making love in public. Nothing new at all!
Let me tell you about my experiences:
Masked prostitution- Went to a Karaoke bar on the invitation of a friend who was entertaining clients. I imagined that I would be there to sing some songs and even took strepsils. My first impression when I got to the place was that it must be highly popular. What with all the Mercs, BMWs and Jags. Took some time finding a parking space. However, the first view of the dimly lit room, pretty girls with minimum clothing made me realise that something was wrong.
The mummy (see list of terms below) quickly called a girl to attend to me. Didn't know what to do as it was my first time in such a situation. I was in fact shivering when she put her hand on my thigh. After a while her regular client booked her for the night and I was left all alone. The mummy felt pity (she was happy after I praised her voice + loud clapping after a singing session. Sweet talker, thats me) and called another which was less pretty but very talkative. Part of the conversation:
GRO: Brrr! I am so cold. (Pointing at the Air con vent.)
Me: Yes! no wonder cos you are wearing only a tight miniskirt and a top. You should have put some warm clothing on.
(Gave me a strange look)
Scene 2:
Me: Do you drink?
GRO: I used to when I was younger, not anymore.
Me: Younger! how old were you. (Don't blame me. She looked like she just crossed 18)
(Gave me a strange look)
However, inspite of butterflying (see list of terms below) she became quite friendly and opened up a lot to me and told me that she had to rush back home before 12 am. I took out RM20 but the girl gave me the sad look and said, "Aw, only 20" and so I gave her another RM10. My friend scolded me afterwards for paying too much but I learnt that I got popular and a few girls were asking for me the next time he went (he's a regular). Another girl came and joined me for a few minutes but I left soon aftwards.
My friend said I was lucky as I had the company of 3 girls whereas he had only 1 and that too a very talkative girl who got drunk.
I learnt a few new terms that day such as :
Butterfly - Go from one room to another at regular intervals and try to get clients to book them for the night or move on to the another.
GRO: Guest relation officer - job position of the girls.
Mummy - The lady in charge
Tip - money that you pay for the sweet talk without any action.
I regret to say that I never went back.
Some say it is not prostitution as the real action depends on the girl but...
On the way out, saw though an open door some dirty old man singing a P Ramlee song with his arms around a PYT.
Homosexuality: Some of my best friend are gays. Few of them even hold managerial positions. Two of them had girl friends for a while (bisexual) but decided that guys are better. And No, I am not gay by the way.
My lady friends in their late 20s lamented that fact they have so few choices now. According to them all the eligible guys are either married or gays. I don't know about that and would love to hear the opinion of other ladies.
They also differentiate between gays and effeminate guys. Gays are guys who like guys. Effeminate guys are simple guys who are like girls. Some like guys too but imagine that they are girls INSIDE (More competition gals).
I don't know whether its my imagination but there has been a increase in the number of Lesbians too, with more and more out in the open. I once was sitting at a table next to this couple - tough looking girl dressed very masculine and the girl friend, very cute feminine looking girl with a nice sexy top. Whoo. conversation censored.
I could write on an on about my experiences, maybe later.

28 September 2003

Disturbing news

Read the headlines in NST today "RM3 million scam in Penang". 3 million is a lot of money and I was wondering what I could do if I had that much money. I could put the money in a bank and live off the interest. Of course, there's the Sports car I was dreaming about and that nice bunglow house with a view. What about my around the World trip?
But enough of dreams, I wonder which stupid bank let these people get away with a scam? In my organization, it takes about 3 months to clear a stupid check of only RM300 and these people are giving away millions over the counter.

27 September 2003

Chittys of Melaka

Just read this interesting piece in the Star Online about a Chitty wedding ceremony.
The Chittys are a unique community in Malaysia mostly in the state of Malacca (or Melaka). They number around 2,000 people and date back to the 15th century when they migrated from the south Indian region from where is now the Indian state of Tamil nadu around 1420-1500 AD. This was when the Malacca Kingdom flourished. Many of them married local women, adopted some local Malay customs and language while retaining their own religion – Hinduism. Many Malaysians don't know that they are different from the Chettiars, traditionally moneylenders in the olden days. Read this interesting article from the online edition of NST.

24 September 2003

Different browsers

Just found out that this blog looks different on older versions of Netscape and the Tag board does not work. Disappointing.

Mixed marriages and the melting pot

Just yesterday I was talking with a friend, having a teh tarik at a mamak stall. He's an ethnic Indian (Tamil) and is a fourth generation Malaysian Indian, their family having come to Malaya from India during the British Raj nearly 100 years ago. That's even older than some melayu families I know. His wife is a Malay and he was telling me some funny and not so funny stories about reactions from society and the problems he had to go through - especially when he converted to Islam from Hinduism. There are many similar stories like that in Malaysia which has become a melting pot for different ethnic groups and cultures. Of course this is not new and has been going on for ages. Many people have come, intermarried and settled down in the Malay peninsula to call this place their home. The Chittys and Nonyas have developed their own unique culture - a mixture of their origins with the culture of their new home - now old considering that they have been here for ages- for hundred of years
I often hear the term Chindian, a term commonly used only in Malaysia used to refer to the offspring of Chinese-Indian marriages. And amazingly, most of them look like Malays. I checked and its not even in the dictionary. Of course there is the joke about Skihs married to Chinese but I won't mention it here. Oops! I guess it slipped away. Lets not forget the Eurasians, some of whom have become very popular in the local entertainment industry - Sharimah, Wardina, Sasha, etc.
One friend joked that in Indonesia, people are divided along ethnic lines - from Bali, Javanese, Sumatra, Aceh and so on, even fighting for independence but when they come to Malaysia, everyone becomes orang Melayu and can live happily together.
I also know of several familes with members following different faiths but living together in harmony. For example one of my friends from Sabah is the only Christian in the family. All the rest including his father converted to Islam. Another friend who is also a convert to Islam lives with his mother who is a practising Hindu. Thats amazing isn't it. Thats Malaysia.

23 September 2003

I love my job

That's not what you hear from many people now is it. Well! I really love my job. After working in small companies run by inefficient and inconsiderate people, I feel great. Of course, its not that easy and I am still busy but I love it. There's no one looking over my shoulder all the time anymore. And if you work hard and acheive something the credit goes to you and not to the boss. Now I don't have to stay in a small cubicle or sit in rows like in a classroom anymore. I have my own room with a nice view, with my own computer with free internet access. My Department head leaves me alone as long as I do my work and contribute to the organization. What more can you ask?
Then why are all these guys complaining for? I don't get it.
Maybe its true what they say about human behaviour- "Human wants are unlimited".
You got a Perodua Kancil, you dream of a Merc or Ferrari. Even when you have a Ferrari you are still not satisfied, then go on to buy another car. This goes on and on.

22 September 2003


I appreciate criticism if its constructive. However I hate destructive crticisms. Is there any difference between the two? Well let me give you an illustration.
You present your research findings, so big mouth says, "Do you even know the definition?" "Even a child knows that!", "I define it my way and your definition is wrong," etc.
I guess you got my point. Thats destructive criticsm.
On the other hand, you may receive: "Try to look at it from a different angle and you may get better results," "Experts define it differently but latest research might give better definitions".
Well doesn't that sound better?
I hope these arrogant egoistic old farts get that into their heads.
Thank God! I have been lucky so far. But a few of my collegues were really hurt by such destructive criticisms.

However, let me tell you of my own personal experience:

There was this guy, very qualified but not so humble. He had this habit of putting everyone down: "My work is the best" "People should learn from me" sort of attitude. Well during this seminar, he was criticising other people presentations in the Q&A sessions with a superior tone.

Well then came his turn and he made a mistake which was very clear to me as it was my field. So when the Q&A came, I pointed out the mistake to him in a polite manner. Now here is the amazing part, he simply refused to admit it was a mistake and even told me in my face, that I better go back and read again. Well superior or not, I defended my point with which many people agreed but he still wouldn't back down and he gave me a few dirty looks.

Surprise! Many patted me on my back after that session. I didn't know that many were waiting for that but didn't have the guts to do it themselves.

Well! we had lunch afterwards and hope that he doesn't hold it in his heart.
If you criticise people, be open to criticisms yourself.

Spy in your computer?

If you had a feeling that your computer habits were being monitored by someone than you are probably right. Over the years I have accumulated a fair amount of software and games on my computer. Many of these were freeware (u don't have to pay) or shareware (you can use for a while). I was of course surprised when I got pop ups out of nowhere.

A cartoon jumping up and down offering to help me (my sister downloaded it). Many of these carry hidden software called "Spyware, malware, or adware. Read this article in the MSN website about the dangers we may be downloading on our computers.

If you want to check whether there are any hidden spyware, malware, or adware on your computer, download Spybot Search & Destroy available for free. However, make sure you read the tutorial (Help).

This software has been tested and I give my approval.

21 September 2003

Inconsiderate people and their Hand Phones

I have read a lot about handphone etiquette and take precautions to avoid annoying people when I use the phone. However, I wish more people felt the same way. Took a night bus yesterday from KL. Started from Pudu Raya around 9:20 pm. Everything was fine and I was hoping to catch a bit of sleep - however difficult it is in a moving bus. Well there were these few people chatting a bit too loudly for comfort but I hoped they would settle down after a bit. Unfortunately they did not. Then one of them started to play with her handphone. Trying out different tones. Just when I thought they had settled down then they would start on another tune. I know you just got your first hand phone, you don't have to show it off - or sound it off. I made some frustrated sounds but they did not give a damn. I saw a few other people were annoyed but being the corteous people we are - just suffered in silence. After a few hours of torture, I had the urge to take the handphone and chuck it out of the bus. Thankfully they finally settled down at around 1:00 am and I could catch a few winks.
This was not the first time - one time I was seated with a girl and every minute her hand phone would signal that she had received an SMS - from her BF I guess for she was giggling sometimes and I could catch the glimpse of the word love. (I couldn't help it) and she would then reply. This went on forever till we finally reched our destination - 5 and half hours later. Seesh! how inconsiderate can you get. Hello! ever heard of vibrating mode.

18 September 2003

BusinessWeek says Sorry

Just read today's headline news - Business Week's managing editor, Robert Dowling, apologised to Dr. M for the 'rude and threatening' letter written by Singapore based correspondent Michael Shari.
Sometimes correspondents would go down to the depths to get an interview but this is the pits. As if Dr. M would be scared.
I am all for good corporate governance, transparency, justice etc. etc. but these Mat Saleehs need to look at their own backyard before commenting on other people.
They have been criticizing us blah! blah! blah! but look at the World's biggest corporate accounting scandals - Enron, Arthur Andersen, WorldCom, etc. the list goes on.
According to an article by Dr. Bryan Taylor, President of Global Financial Data.
"On December 2, 2001, Enron filed for what was then the largest bankruptcy in US history at $63 billion. This was followed by bankruptcy filings from Global Crossing ($25 billion) and Kmart ($17 billion) in January 2002, by NTL, Inc ($17 billion) in May, by Adelphia Communications in June ($24 billion), and by Worldcom ($104 billion) in July, the largest bankruptcy in history. The year ended with more bankruptcies from United Airlines ($25 billion) and Conseco ($61 billion) in December. Seven of the twelve largest bankruptcies in US history are currently winding their ways through the courts.
He continues "Revelations of the deliberate misreporting of profits by corporations, over $9 billion from Enron alone, the discovery that analysts provided positive recommendations for companies they privately derided in order to increase their company’s profits from investment banking, the news that Wall Street firms gave away IPO shares to corporate executives, and dozens of other immoral and illegal practices destroyed what little faith in corporate America the investment public had."

17 September 2003

Saying goodbye to a collegue

Attending a farewell party for a collegue this evening - actually he was my head of department. He has got a new job in Johor - his home state. Nice guy with a good sense of humour. I wish him all the best.
He's quite lucky considering that the job market is not that good now. In fact I was jobless for a while and that was a terrible time. Your self esteem really goes down when you have to depend on your parent and girlfriend. Finally got this job - 1 damn long year after the interview. That too, had to pull a few strings. Many in the organization didn't like it I guess. Well, too bad. Now got to prove myself - these guys are waiting for me to make a mistake and pull me down.

16 September 2003

Lot of great FREE stuff on the net

There's a lot of great stuff on the net available for free. Here are a few which I have tested and give my stamp of approval:
> AVG Antivirus
> Zonealarm Firewall
> IrfanView graphic viewer
> Arachnophilia HTML editor
> OpenOffice.org

And there are lots more...
Not everybody wants to be like Bill Gates, I guess. God bless them!

Are most bloggers, Girls?

I have been reading a lot of blogs lately. One thing I noticed is that many of the bloggers seem to be girls/ladies. It this due to the fact that girls need to talk - about ANYTHING.

However, there are a few guys out there too including yours truly, but they don't tend to put in a lot of the sentimental and emotional stuff while with ladies, its the opposite...

Well! look for yourself and feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

15 September 2003

Hotels and conferences

Finally back from Kuantan. I was there to attend the Fifth Asian Academy of Management (AAM) conference. It was held at the Hyatt Regency. The room rates were too high (RM190 after discount) so I decided to stay in another hotel. I finally decided on the Vistana ( a 4 star hotel). I had to pay RM110 (after discount). The hotel was not bad but regreted my decision. It was not near the beach as I had imagined it would be nor was it in the city. Neither here nor there. To get to the food stalls just across a big drain, you have to brave walking about 100m on the main road at the risk of getting hit by a drunk driver and back again. I wonder why they didn't think of putting up a foot bridge. Would make life of all customers easier. I also didn't get any newspapers during the duration of my stay. Come on! even 2 star hotels I sayed in provided newpapers.
If you are visiting Kuantan and on a budget, my friends recommend either the Swiss garden or the Grand Continental which are in the centre of the city.
Well coming back to the conference, it was just like any other academic conference where experts in various fields present their findings and attack each other "academically". It not surprising that sometimes bad blood arises considering the big egos of some. However, this conference had some people from the private sector and that was refresing. Many of them looked bored though.
The highlight of the conference were the dinners. The first dinner, we were treated to 2 songs by the Menteri Besar and state Umno chief Adnan Yaakob. I have to say he really has a good voice. Of all the seminars and conferences which I have attended, he was also the only VIP who came down and went around shaking hands with all the participants. Maybe it was because the election is around the corner.
The venue was not bad but .. I have been to better places. The best so far is the Sutera Harbour Resort in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. The food was great, the rooms were excellent (at a discount rate of only RM180). The staff were ever smiling and the conference halls were excellent. I could watch TV while having a nice bath and I could get to see the sun rising every morning from my window....

10 September 2003

Last minute matters

Thought I would drop a few lines before I leave for Kuantan. Though I am on leave, still have to attend a meeting with my new Dept. Head. Also got to book a taxi.
Its amazing that you are free most of the time and then you have a desk load of work and appointments on the day you are supposed to go on leave.
Well it happens to me all the time.

09 September 2003

Few cosmetic and practical changes

Added the following today:
- site statistics from Nedstat.com
- blabber board from Zonkboard.com

There is no point in having a blog if no one reads it except yourself- guess I have to do some promoting ...
What is it that attracts a lot of people...
a sniff of scandal or pornographic pictures
No lah!

08 September 2003

Bit Lonely

Its a bit late, still in the office and not doing any work
Its raining and sun is setting
Getting cold too
Got to shut off the air-con
Bit lonely too and will be for quite some time I guess
But not for long I am sure
Looking out my window
Nice view
Can see the clouds moving around the forest in the hills
Waiting for the prayer call
Got to go back

First post

Loved reading other people's blogs and finally decided to start one of my own.


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