My blog 'Ah OK Lah' turns 2 tomorrow. It has come a long way since my first post on Monday, September 8, 2003.
During this period I have made a lot of new friends most of whom I have never met, from various countries around the World.
My wife still thinks that blogging is a waste of precious time that could have been utilized for other more important things. I have tried to explain how blogging gives me a sense of satisfaction that can't be described but I guess she still remains unconvinced. However, I know that she reads each and every post I make and she is one of my biggest critics.
Though I haven’t reached even half the celebrity status or popularity of other more famous Malaysian/ Malaysia based bloggers like Kenny Sia, I have a small group of visitors who drop by my blog regularly. It is actually their comments and suggestions that actually drive me to blog.
Thanks guys and hope you come back again and again.
Congrats and happy birthday to ur blog..
Myself, after almost 6 months blogging, I won't disagree that 'blogging gives me a sense of satisfaction that can't be described'.
Happy BlogbirthDay !
... and hopefully many more years of blogging. Go go go...
Happy birthday to Ah OK Lah!
2 years, it is not easy. :)
Happy anniversary! And keep bloggin' happily! :)
LcF is right... 2 years of blogging is not easy... I have been blogging since 2002... I have deleted and rewrite myself countless times... to be able to blog for two years straight non-stop is a huge accomplishment...
No one understand the joy of blogging until they try it. Maybe you can encourage the mrs to blog as well... you know have a joint blog or something.... Dooce and Mr Dooce are a love example.
Wow... I'm still a 'babyblogger' .. with 2 you are a 'grownup' blogger. Congratulations !!
happy blogbday. me still struggling. but happy to be the first local golf blog and the first msian to blog with american sports bloggers at :
next year once i am back in kl , will definitely make more appearances in the local amateur tournaments.
how's is your golf nowadays ?
we are coming back to kl in early oct. maybe we can arrange to meet up with your family ,other frens or bloggers..then we will buy you a big belated blogbday cake...
Happy Birthday to you...r blog :D. ai seh man...I not even one year old.
hey, happy birthday blog!!!:)
congrats, adam! keep writing!:)
happy birthday blog
hehe atleast u keep track eh..
happy belated birthday to ur blog! i've seen way to many blogging departures (stopped blogging for various reasons) and i must say, 2 years IS a great deal! i truly understand that readers/comments keep the blog moving part - they're like fuel cells that keep us blogging, huh. Congrats on ur milestone ;)
oh i was not around for 4 days, so here's a belated wish for your blog, adam.
happy 2nd anniversary to ah-ok lah!
me blog too will celebrate its 2nd anniversay soon in 2 weeks time.
Thanks for all the Blog Birthday greetings.
No need to be concerned about being famous lah, my friend... you are doing superbly as it is now... congrats, man...
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