18 September 2009

Update to my last post - Prizes and Charity

In my last post "My Research Methodology", I forgot to mention that there is a £100 cash prize as well as Amazon vouchers involved and you can do your bit for charity as well.

I have pledged to donate 50p for every completed questionnaire to the Cancer Research UK.

Please click the link to take part in the survey.

First Commentator


  1. I'm donating to the Komen breast cancer fund, running a 5k in November to raise money for an after school program and helping run a golf tournament scholarship fund. Whew!

  2. Julie. Wow! That's amazing. I am definitely motivated to do more.

  3. I have taken part in this survey! :)

  4. Thanks Monica. Really appreciate it.

  5. Great efforts that was, I appreciate your spirit and keep it up….

  6. Do you know that it says you plan to donate 1 pound for each person who completes the survey on the banner at the top of your page? Not 50p...

  7. Anaon: Oops! That was a big mistake. Thanks a lot for pointing that out. Have changed it back now.
