26 September 2009

Big Thank You for spreading the word

It's sometimes amazing how kind some people can be, going out of their way to help other people.

I am really thankful to have made so great friends through my blog and social networks, most of whom I have never met in person. Many of them helped spread the word about my research survey on their blogs, Facebook and on Twitter.

The most I can do for them is say a huge Thank You! and give back some link love.

My blogger friends who blogged about the survey on their blogs: Elizabeth, Emila, Mariuca and Nana.

and Amrul who helped spread the word on their Facebook profiles.

Last but not the least, are my Tweeps: Angelopoulos, Chen Helen, Ecoexplorer and Lorraine Siew.

I also found out later that a few other guys had blogged about it as well. Made some new friends in the process. Thanks Fida.

First Commentator


  1. Hey Adam, good to hear ur project is going well, good luck! :)

  2. Thanks to you too!!! I am glad to help spread the words!

  3. Mariuca, Emila: The initial response was great, thanks to you guys. However, I have a long way to go before I reach my targeted number of respondent. Guess I have to contact more of my blogger contacts to spread the news.

  4. you are a good person that's way you have a good friend..

  5. Hi Adam, fyi I posted about your project at the today.com forum soon after I took the survey; it's gotten about 20 views so far, hopefully ~some~ of them made their way to you!

    Since you're in need of more word of mouth, I'll pass the word around via my blog in a day or two.

    All the best!!

  6. Hi Lynne: Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
