11 October 2008

SEO Coventry

SEO is such a big thing right now and everyone is talking about it. For those who are not aware, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. It is one of the key web marketing activities and is defined as:
the process of editing and organizing the content on a webpage or across a website to increase its potential relevance to specific keywords on specific search engines and importantly ensuring that external links to the site are correctly titled and in abundance. Source: Wikipedia.
Anyway, I was wondering whether there are any good companies specialised in SEO in Coventry and was quite surprised to find that in fact, there are none here in Coventry, apart from the National B2B Centre based at the University of Warwick. A search on Google for the search terms "SEO Coventry" also revealed that the companies in the top 5 results are based in Birmingham, London or elsewhere.

At a conference I recently attended, I was talking to some guys and they revealed that they did most of the SEO work in-house but their efforts were not effective and they have to consult some "SEO experts" from time to time, often at a huge cost. I was surprised at the amount that they were paying some of these so called experts.

Definitely puts some ideas into my head. I see a lot of opportunities for a Coventry based company or SEO Expert.


  1. Its quite strange that there are very few SEO firms in Coventry. Thanks for explaining me about SEO, I never knew that what it is all about.

  2. Nice post and you pose a good question.

  3. Sometimes it seems SEO is the newest snake oil, simply because of peoples misunderstanding of the concept, and what they will pay to possess it.

  4. So many people don't believe in SEO just because they have talked to the wrong person. Good stuff here man.

  5. Hi guys.I love nice this Blog.it is one of the best Blog .this Blog contain all the adds,pictures and bolgs,forums .everybody visit this Blog.i would say about “SEO” .it is perpose of SEO .ALL services provide for Bussiness process.

  6. This was a very informative article. I will read your blog often.

  7. I think that SEO is still a newer thing for people as they so wrong understanding about SEO.It was quite strange to know that there are very few SEO firms in Coventry.Adam thanks for the post it was quite interesting.Adam i would also like to know about what do you think about Web Analytics?
