16 October 2008

Malaysian bloggers in Coventry

I am not alone. The list of Malaysian bloggers in Coventry grows higher every day. Some of them like the blogger who goes just by here initial "D" have been blogging for a while but anonymously. She blogs at Pause to reflect.

Some of the bloggers have moved away from Coventry while others like Rosydi are on an extented hiatus to concentrate on their research work.

One of the most prolific bloggers has got to be Ahrasis who started blogging recently and has not one but four blogs:
Forex Profiteer
Daily Digest
Automobile As Easy As 123 and
Malaysia's Politics

His wife has also started her own blog - "Mama Fahim"

The newest to join the blogosphere is Fauzan, our Tech Expert. He was responsible for maintaining the Malaysian Coventry Society site (which is under maintenance at the moment) and he's the guy everyone goes to whenever they have some problems with their gadget, etc. His blog is called "Living in United Kingdom", filled with a number of useful tips.

Several others have shown interest but are concerned about their privacy (solved by blogging anonymously), don't know what to write about (anything under the sun and the moon) or too busy with their research. Blogging is not everyone's cup of tea but it can be a really rewarding and fulfilling experience for some.

Hopefully there should be enough of us to have our own Blogger's meet.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah , necessity is the mother of invention :). I just hope the bloggers get enough to make their both hands meet :)
