23 June 2008

Roses in Bloom

My Valentine's day roses are blooming again and isn't that colour wonderful. I have to say that roses are my favourite flowering plants for a number of reasons. First of all, the flowers are sweet smelling. They last long as well and the plants flower several times in a year. You also don't have to replant them every year as I have to do with some of my other flowering plants. Last of all, they are quite hardy and easy to propagate as well.


The two hybrid tea roses (one with yellow flowers and another with orange flowers) I bought at a car boot sale last Sunday are doing great as well.

My Green Thumb Sunday post this week. Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.


  1. Yes, Roses are beautiful, My husband brings a bunch of roses for me everyday.

    Love ya.

  2. Roses are one of my favourite flowers because they are the symbol of love which has most requirement in this time where everybody has a hatred feeling or others.

  3. Very pretty! I have three bushes--but won't have any roses now until October. Too hot!

  4. Is a beautiful rose. I will buy also one for my garden.

  5. Beautiful! I love roses! I posted some roses in my other blog too. Come and see, Adam: http://emilayusof.blogspot.com/
