25 June 2008

Preparing for trip to France

I have never been to France even though one of my sisters is married to a French guy. This is due to the fact that they are both Australians now. Anyway, sometime back we received a great offer from one of our friends to stay in her apartment in the beautiful city of La Rochelle in Western France. Of course we jumped at the chance. We met her today at the Coventry railway station before she left for her house in Paris and she handed over the keys to the apartment.

Malaysian are lucky because they don't need a visa to enter France, unlike citizens of other countries outside Europe, including Indians and Chinese among others. I am really excited as this is going to be my first trip to anywhere in France. However, I have to admit that I am a bit worried as well. We plan to drive there and the kids will be there with us. A major concern is that we will be driving our old Ford Escort and the place is nearly 645 miles from our house here in Coventry.

The car has never given me any major trouble till now and I would have to send it to a work shop for a complete servicing to ensure that we have a smooth journey to and fro. I would need to fix the air conditioning as well because it's going to be quite warm there.

Some friends have been advising us to learn some French - the most important being, "Parlez vous Anglais ? (pronounced as Pahr-lay voo ah(n)gleh ?) meaning, "Do you speak English ?"

Well! I have one month to prepare for the trip.


  1. I would LOVE to go to France! And I love your blog!

  2. ,,, and they drive on the "wrong" side of the road! Until you're used to that, drive very very carefully!!!

    Have a good trip - I've only been to Paris, and only when much much younger with not much memory of the experience. I want to return one day, probably to coincide with the tennis French Open :)

  3. My advise is don't subscribe AA Europe recovery. It's valuable..I can tell by experience!! Well.. hubby experience.

  4. Thanks Jillybean. DO you have a blog?

    Lynne: I think I can manage but I will be driving slowly.

    Ummi: Thanks for the info. The Tesco car breakdown cover, which is £65 for upto 22 days is quite attractive.

  5. Adam, sorry to say but Tesco is absolutely rubbish. You can read from the review and this is our experience. Hubby got accident in Europe. We got nothing from Tesco althought we pay comprehensive. AA done everything straight away and hubby get everything he need from courtesy car up until the car been bought back from Belgium with 4oft container from AA which only cost us subscription for £58. We also stop using Tesco insurance. They just want your money but when it's come to claim, they just walk away. We pay comprehansive for nothing.

    We buy the car for £2100. We just change the head gasket cost £1500 still under guarantee when accident happen. Tesco pay nothing. We had to scarp the car for £250.

    Tesco insurance or what ever Tesco service is completely rubbish. Sorry, for long comment. Just to share our experience so other won't get trap as well. You can read people warning in their review. Just search in google.

    Please don't get trap in Tesco service.

  6. Sorry adam, my first comment should be, subscribe AA Europe recovery!!! They are very good and helpful. They offer physical and emotional help.

  7. Ummi: Thanks for the info. That's really useful.

  8. I have never been to France, but I did get the chance to go to England for 4 months. My hubby is from there, and I had a pretty good time. I went over on the Queen Mary 2. I know when I was in England, everyone there complained about how much they hated Tesco. I was thinking about doing a blog on the Cruise on the Queen Mary 2, and the my time in England. Do you think people would like it?

  9. Oh dear! You are going France - I'm totally envious! Enjoy your trip, Adam :)

  10. You will love it!! I was in Paris in 2004 and it was superb!!! Imagine knowing Monalisa all your life and suddenly she is right in front of you!! Imagine knowing the Eiffel all you life and suddenly you are up there!! HHmmm. Have a save trip and have fun!

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  12. I never been to France, but I went to England. Wow, it was incredible. I hope to some day head to France. I went to England on the Queen Mary 2. I want to create a blog on my trip and time in England. What do you think?

  13. wow, lucky u, get to stay there for free!!

  14. Bonjour Adam! That is good news! Can't wait to see pictures of France by you!

  15. Wow!!

    I'm SO jealous right now!! My friend just got back from Spain, you guys are going to France, my other friend is going to Italy....

    I'm Jealouos!!

    Be prepared and have a great time!!

    Make sure you get your car serviced!!

  16. adam, great blog. enjoy reading it a lot.

    france! ahh... my wife just came back from france to attend her friend's wedding (we're from Malaysia). from her stories, she thoroughly enjoyed her trip.

    We were in france about 6 years ago too and it was absolutely marvelous.

    Recently had an offer from a friend who was willing to lend us a room in his parents chateau in bordeaux... very tempting but will have to work around work and $$$ to see if we can make that trip.

    enjoy your trip and i hope your car holds out


  17. Wow... you are going to France? That is really great. How I wish I can travel too. If only I got the money ;0

  18. Tamo,
    Fred will be getting back to you soon. It is not very far from Brittany. You guys should perhaps give Annik & Michel a ring or even a visit. Take care and love to Ez and the kids.

  19. I would LOVE to go to France!! Enjoy your trip...

    *Narrowband wonders when will his turn be....

  20. France sounds like my dream place. I would love to go there. The Eiffel Tower would be awesome too!

  21. France is the home to so much. The French Revolution, Pasteur and so many other things. Such a historic place!
