22 January 2008

India plans to probe the moon

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plans to send a probe called called Chandrayan I to the moon early this year. Don't have the details but I guess they are going to do it just to show they can.

The successful launch of an Israeli spy satellite has enhanced it's reputation (and of course made it richer) in the global satellite launching market - putting India in a small elite group of nations.

The 300 kg TECSAR satellite was carried by the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). For more info, read India launches Israeli 'spy satellite'.


  1. Yet another country is spending billions to explore space instead of spending the money where it needs to be spent; at home! We have pollution, hungrey people, and violence in many streets; yet traveling to the moon is more important. I don't get it!

  2. I forgot to mention that ISRO reportedly received $14 million for the launch and have signed up 3 more launch customers. Yes! satellite launching is big business.

  3. I: i better and smarter. i will launch a probe to the sun.

    U: what? you stupid! you can't go to the sun lah!

    I: why not?

    U: it is so hot, you'll met before you ever reach it.

    I: you the stupid one! i will do it at night, see!!

  4. * Don't have the details but I guess they are going to do it just to show they can.*...i think even USA and Russia did it initially to show that THEY CAN!!!..and there's nothing wrong in it....if there's anything to show...then only can people show off..right!!!!......
    regards poverty, population, etc etc..every country has problems....even the mighty USA has it......so why grudge India....

  5. Mmm, I wonder what they will be probing for.

  6. When so many countries have already done it. why to waste money on that project again.
