22 January 2008

A Battle of Faith and Love reviewed

It's been quite sometime since I wrote a post here. It's not that I have been too busy as I have been updating my other blogs, it's just one (or a few) of those days when you just don't feel like updating.

Finally got around to visiting one of the blogs on my long long overdue "to review" list. I only a few more to go now. I also realise that most of them have removed the link to my blog but I am still going ahead.

'A battle of faith and love' is one of the few blogs that made me think. The author who calls herself Chickpea, who was raised as a Muslim, shares her thoughts on religion and spirituality. Most of the content is quite serious. Quite interesting as I ask/ have asked the same questions but came to quite different conclusions, though some views on some issues were quite similar.

The blog has a simple and neat Wordpress layout with no ads - makes it stand out from the ad splattered blogs that litter the blogosphere now.


  1. Thanks for such a kind review and for stopping by my place!

    My mom made the same comment as you about my banana bread - that using the bundt form makes it different and interesting. The slices that I gave my parents were gone within the hour, so I'm guessing that it was indeed tasty!

  2. You are welcome. You have a great blog.

  3. ooooh thanks for the pointer to a blog with great content! :-) I've blogrolled ms chickpea already and look forward to reading more :-)
