24 October 2007

The Power of Gâc

Many herbs have been traditionally used throughout the World for medicinal or health purposes. Some herbs need to be cooked or specially prepared before they can be taken internally or applied externally. Some are taken raw without any preparation.

In Asia, traditional herbal medicines are widely used, as are other alternative medicinal practices. Slowly but steadily, these exotic and amazing herbs are gradually been introduced to the people in the West. Many of these herbs which have traditionally been used for ages in the Asian countries have been found to contain nutrients or other useful chemical compounds on testing in laboratories.

Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng., commonly known as 'Gac', is one such plant commonly found in South East Asia, especially in Vietnam. It has been traditionally used as both food and medicine there.

The plant grows as dioecious vines that bear abundant red fruits. The Gac fruit has been found to be rich in lycopene, beta-carotene and other potent antioxidants.

It is now available as a dietary supplement from various sites- mostly pure oil extracted from the 'Gâc' fruit.

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