26 September 2007

Fantabulous news


Yesterday night I was going through my Yahoo! email. I don't check it that often and there were like 300 emails. Most were from my Yahoo groups. As I was going through them, I noticed an email from the Doctoral Programme Office, Warwick Business School asking me to fill up a form and send it back to them - "pro-forma - maintenance bursary & scholarships".

At first I thought it was a mistake. Then I suddenly recalled that I had received another email earlier which I had put down as spam. I quickly found and opened it. Was in shock for a while as I read and re-read the email.
I am pleased to inform you that you have been awarded a WBS

One of the reason I had thought that the email was spam was because I couldn't recognise the sender's name. I quickly went up to the bedroom and gently woke up my wife who was already in dreamland. It took a while for her to fully wake up, and I could see the "it's too good to be true" + "this better be true" look. She came down and re-read the email with me again. She confirmed me that Kok Wai Harcourt was indeed the new Programme Manager for the doctoral programme.

It was like a black cloud had lifted. Our prayers have been answered.

I don't care what people say but for me, the University of Warwick is the best University in the World.

An amazing coincidence because earlier that evening I was talking with our friends Nana and Mozard at their place in Birmingham, about how I was struggling to pay for the first year itself and how various people including my parents had chipped in. As well as our struggles in the past.

If you truly believe in something good, go ahead and put your trust in God! He will surely come through for you.


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!! Many many congratulations!! We are very happy for you. We were talking about it the other day and how we hope that something will come along for your studies. Rezeki bulan puasa. Syukur.

  2. Congratulations Tamo! We are absolutely thrilled to hear the news-can't wait to tell Mama and baba tonight. They will be over the moon as they have been quite anxious. Finally all the hard work paid off. May this be followed by many more success stories.

    Jules, Fred & Diana

  3. congrats adam. i'm so happy for you!

    absolutely agree 100% with your last paragraph.

  4. Congrat once again Adam, for such continuing successes! It is very nice to hear that you can get your doctoral degree in your dream school with free ride! I hope that you can make the best of it! Don't forget to share your experience with us.

  5. Tahniah!
    The beginning of another success!

  6. ouh, congrats!! alhamdulillah. glad to hear that. the kids must get a treat from their dad. my best wishes for you.

  7. Hallo! Congratulation! Have a nice day!

  8. Thank you all for your comments.
    David: Definitely not a free ride as I have to work for it. It's only for a year and I have 2 more years to go. Don't perform and that's it.

  9. Many congratulations! What a nice picture. Great shot. Have a nice day.

  10. Congrats Adam, work for it and all the best!

  11. Congratulations Adam. Very happy for you. Study hard....
