23 September 2007

Bees and flowers

Even though my daughter is not terribly fond of them, I really like to see honeybees in my garden. They are doing a good job pollinating my plants.

It's fun watching them buzzing from one flower to flower. They will suddenly stop flying for a while and the flower will suddenly bend under their weight and the bee would start flying again and move on to the next flower.

Bee on mentha flower 01
bee on our mint flowers

Bee on marrigold
Bee on our marigold flower

bee on lavender
bee on our lavender flower

This is my Green Thumb Sunday post for this week. Join Green Thumb Sunday

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  1. Good job getting the photos of the bees. I'm still trying to capture some myself, but I'm never prepared!
    Happy GTS,

  2. try to stir some honey comb then, believe me you get all to see all the bee you want.

  3. I love honeybees, too. Great pics!

  4. great macro shot and good timing too.

  5. I really love bee pictures, they are just so hard working and hey, they appreciate the scenery we work so hard to make!

  6. Thanks for your comments guys. Glad to know that you liked my pics.

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