13 September 2007

Coombe park again

We were supposed to go to Liverpool along with our friends Nana, Mozard and their kids last weekend but we cancelled our trip at the last moment because it turned out that the reason we wanted to go - the British musical fireworks championships were in October not this month.

So we decided to pay a visit to nearby Coombe Country Park instead. We had fun and unlike the last time we had visited, the flowers were blooming.


Rahil also rode on a donkey for the first time in her life. She looked cool but I could see her gripping the support on the saddle real tight.

rahil on donkey

forest path

Forest path


wild flowers Coombe
Wild flowers

We had a real scare when Nana's daughter Yana had an accident while playing at a special playground in the park. She slipped and hit herself. She was in real pain and couldn't even walk. All of us were really worried. We rushed to our cars and drove to the NHS walk-in centre in Coventry city centre as fast as we could. We left them there and later learnt that they had to go to the hospital at Walsgrave because the walk-in centre didn't have x-ray facilities.

Was really relieved when we learnt that it was not serious and she didn't break any bones.


  1. waaah..the forest path like robin hood story lah pulak..cooool

  2. Looks magical :)

  3. what a nice picture.
