10 July 2007

Just Jayme reviewed

I am going through the blog reviews one by one on a "first come, first serve" basis and I don't know how, but I somehow missed Jayme who blogs at Just Jayme. Sorry about that.

Her blog template is proof that a blogspot blog doesn't have to have the boring generic template. I would have liked it if her font was a little bigger. From my informal research I have found that small fonts might turn away a lot of people, especially those with bad eyesight. As I have mentioned earlier, all we have to do is hit the 'Ctrl and +' key but a lot of people are obviously not aware of that. She has a lot of nice pics on her Flickr page and she should put some of them up on her blog. As they say, a picture says a thousand words.

She's been blogging for almost the same time as me, since June 2003. It's a personal blog and she blogs about her husband of 7 years, her daughter and life in general. Much like mine. It's a nice blog and I am wondering why the PR is only 2. Jayme probably needs to do some social networking and marketing her blog. Getting her blog reviewed is a step in the right direction.


  1. Adam,
    Thank you for the review. I really appreciate your suggestions. And don't worry about skipping me!! Really! It's no big deal!

  2. You are welcome Jayme. Keep blogging.
