11 July 2007

Blog review update

When I made the offer to review blogs for free, I didn't realise that I would be deluged by requests. Slowly going through them one by one as I want to do a good job.

Given below is the list of blogs I still have to review:
  1. http://howtoencourage.blogspot.com/
  2. http://table4five.net/
  3. http://anylee-anylee.blogspot.com/
  4. http://www.asianwildrose.ca/
  5. http://beccagirlblogspot.blogspot.com/
  6. http://harrymcfryinvestigates.blogspot.com/
  7. http://chatbugkaren.com/myroad/
  8. http://ryansqueerbent.blogspot.com/
  9. http://www.mythailanddiary.com/
  10. http://www.mylittletribe.com/
  11. http://www.investorblogger.com/
  12. http://afrogtokiss.net/
  13. http://wireblissmei.blogspot.com/
  14. http://waitingforcoffee.blogspot.com/
  15. http://www.imbloggingthat.com/
  16. http://chickpealove.com/blog
  17. http://firetruckpony.blogspot.com/ (Can't review because it's only for invited viewers)
  18. http://www.preyanka.com/
  19. http://wolfsperspective2.blogspot.com/
  20. http://enjoydeals.blogspot.com
  21. http://www.realitytvfan.org/
  22. http://infinitelycrazy.blogspot.com/
  23. http://jokingblog.blogspot.com/
  24. http://growingasmallbusiness.blogspot.com/
  25. http://randomtopic.dakotablogs.com/
Please inform me if anyone is missing from the list.



  1. Adam, u've been tagged.This time for a good cause! Check my blog

  2. HEY!

    i know that Wolf's Perspective Kid!

  3. Check out my blog, review it when you're free.

  4. I have to admit that I'm disappointed with this. In July you asked for links to your site in exchange for a review. I believe I wrote a very nice post about you and your blog. Now here it is, 7 months later and you've failed to hold up your end of the bargain all the while having a back link from my blog (and I'm sure others).

    Being unable to do it is one thing but your blog has continued while you've conveniently "forgot." Meanwhile, I remembered and your visit to my blog today reminded me of my disappointment in your failed promise.

