27 April 2007

Giant WiFi hotspot in London

An outdoor WiFi network has been switched across the entire City of London – known as the Square Mile. The Cloud is the operating company in charge of what is called as the Europe’s most advanced outdoor WiFi network. London has literally become one giant WiFi hotspot.

The city wide network currently comprises of 127 nodes and has been built onto existing street features such as lamp posts and street signs. The supported service providers include O2, BT Openzone, iPass, Truphone and Skype.

Internet access will be Free during this launch month only. They say "provided in association with Nokia" meaning Nokia sponsored it.

More cities in the UK are are expected to follow suit.



  1. That's awesome but: street signs? I'd be concerned about vandalism and such :S

  2. I don't think this will be a problem as almost the whole London Square Mile is covered by security cams. Vandals damage street features at their own risk.
