28 April 2007

Fast implementation of CRM

Implementation of a typical customer relationship management (CRM) system can take weeks (and sometimes months) to complete. However, AIMpromote claims to have customer relationship management implementation for your entire organization up and running in a matter of days.

One major advantage of the AIMpromote system over other CRM software is that it doesn't have the unnecessary and confusing options. These are completely eliminated so that your marketing staff won't have to spend unnecessary time on it and get on with the marketing job.

A properly configured AIMpromote account will require that only key administrators have full access, and other users will use only specific pieces of the software. This of course can be changes at any time. In other words, your sales force in a position to focus more on making sales, and less on learning software.

In fact AIMpromote is setting new standards in online sales management software and is changing the way that businesses are managing their sales teams.

You can try it out (full featured version) for 14 days, if you sign up now.

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