11 March 2007

Working from home blog

There is nothing new with running a business from home. However, running a Global business from home is something altogether. go get global news & views is a blog that "a bird’s eye view on running your global business from home". The blogger doesn't identify himself/ herself on the blog but he/ she has a lot of great tips for those working from home.

As a "working from home" father, this blog post on "Balancing work and play" was quite relevant to me. I totally agree with what the blogger has to say:
If you’re feeling like something is missing from your work at home life, like you were meant for more than this, maybe all you need is a break from your online life!


  1. hi adam,
    i'm amaze at how u attract crowd to ur blog. ur site has also lots of wonderful and beneficial things for all kinds of people.
    i'm quite reluctant, or perhaps nervous of selling used books on ebay. currently looking at p&p procedure in uk.

    keep on blogging!!!

  2. Thanks for your kind words Ramanavami. If you are planning to sell books, you can try Amazon too.
