11 March 2007

Help for startup launches

Launching a startup is not easy and definitely not cheap. A major part of the launch budget usually goes to advertising and editorial coverage, even when you have the right contacts. You do this to introduce your company to your potential customers and more imprtant, to your potential investors.

With hundreds of startups getting launched everyday, the question is "how do you get noticed among the crowd?"

I found one of the best solutions around for launching startups. StartUpCrunch provides an online opportunity for startups to pitch their company, services and/ or products.

So how does StartUpCrunch operate?

1. Well, if you are a startup, you put up your pitch here. The Pitches can either be in traditional video formats or or the Filmation system and must be no longer than 6 minutes long.

2. You are then ranked by peers.

3. Your StartUp is listed according to its CrunchRank and sector.

For your information, the CrunchRank is the ranking system (scale from 1 (lowest) to 100) that they use and was developed to rank startups according to their challenges and potential for success.

I like their system whereby, those pitches with higher page ranks and have received wider editorial coverage will go down and make way for the newcomers.

Finally the question that everyone has in mind is how much it's going to cost you. Well, they charge a one-off flat fee of 100€ (approximately US$131.16). That's really cheap for the exposure you are going to get.

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