19 December 2006

Publish and Monitize your Work

While I am waiting for companies to call me for an interview, I am thinking of ways to make money from home. So I was thinking, "What am I good at?" and something I am good at is writing (at least I like to think I am). Next question was "How can I earn some money out of it?". Well here is what I found out.

There are several ways to publish your article on the net and get paid for it. One way is to publish it with Triond, one of the newest entrants on the market offering a "user generated content monetization service". In lay man terms, it means that they help publishers get their work published and monetize it on the net.

It's really quite simple. You sign up and then submit some content. The currently accepted formats are: txt, doc, wps, rtf, wav, wma, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpg, avi, wmv, mov, jpg, jpeg, gif. So even if you are not good at writing but think that your music is great, you can join in too.

Triond then publishes your article (or music or movie clip) on various ad-supported and e-commerce content websites. Finally you share 50% of the royalty your work generates, with them.

A review of Microsoft Office Live Basics, which I submitted last night, has already been published. In case you haven't heard, Microsoft is helping people create professional websites, along with domain name registration, all for FREE. If you don't believe me check out my article here.

This is a sponsored post



  1. good for you adam. whats the payment rate like?

  2. Last time I checked it was still below $1. Hopefully it will increase.
