20 December 2006

Problem With Link Button

There is some problem with my payperpost affiliate link button (on my sidebar). Clicking the button just reloads my blog. I noticed the same problem on other blogs, including some of the top earners of payperpost.

Does anybody have the same problem?

Payperpost uses a tinyurl script. I am not sure whether any of the widgets and scripts that I have installed on my site, are interferring with their script.

Would be highly obliged if anyone could help me with this problem.

Note: The problem has been fixed. Thanks guys.



  1. I just checked your code and it seems like the image is not linked to anywhere? the "a href" html code contains no url within the inverted commas. Maybe you didn't paste the code correctly?

    On the other hand, I was wondering whether you would like to switch to Wordpress? I was thinking of sponsoring you (by hosting your blog for free in exchange for a small text ad) but since you have your own Google Adsense, would you like to move to my server at blogasian.com? Do let me know, ok? Our cheapest package with 400mb space and 8GB bandwidth only cost ~RM53 per year (US$15/year). What do you think?

  2. Sorry about that - we're rolling out a fix for this today.

  3. Andrew: I have contacted the payperpost people and they are working on it. You might be surprised to learn that I have a Wordpress blog but am not doing anything with it but I plan to stay on with Blogger.
    Will keep your offer in mind when I take up my next web designing project.

  4. Ah... so, you must have made quite a bit fro payperpost :)

    I hope the aff link is working on my blog :)

  5. do we have to have the PPP button link up to be tittled to join PPP? i have signed up for PPP but i did not have the button link in my blog.

  6. i mean to be entitled to get paid from PPP. join of course when i signed in i already joined.

  7. Lucia: You can put up an affiliate link button on your site too. Not having it won't harm your chances of earnign money.
