26 March 2006

The Hypermarket Price Wars

In case you are not aware, there is an ad war going on in Malaysia.

I guess it was started by Carrefour when it brought out an ad in the papers comparing itself with another hypermarket (everyone knew it was Giant) and claiming that its prices were cheaper. Tesco was next - its ads claiming that it is cheaper than 2 other unnamed hypermarkets (Carrefour and Giant?).

Now Giant (under Hong Kong’s Dairy Farm) finally strikes back.

NOTE: Carrefour's Malaysian website is still under construction. Negative points for that.

BTW, this is #19 Photo entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge. Didin't have a chance to take any creative pictures today.



  1. it's their war all right but then we, the consumers are the one who gain. haha.

  2. The more wars the better. We get to buy cheaper.
