26 March 2006

Flickr Upload Limit

Yesterday I signed in to Flickr and got the following message :
Whoa! You have used up 100% of your uploads for this month!

Anyway here is #18 Photo entry for the 30 Days of Photos Challenge. The Michelia champaca
tree is in front of my in-laws house. Took the picture at night - it was pitch dark.



  1. Haha, you actually used up 20MB? Wow. I had been going ok with the limit except this month bcos I got lazy and uploaded 800 (width) pixel photos instead of my usual 500. Am at 97% and seriously contemplating paying for a pro account.

  2. Most of the pictures I post up are 1024x768 px resolution and I guess that's the reason why I ran out of space fast.

  3. Time to upgrade to a paid account, or get your own hosting with hugh bandwidth and large disk space :)
