02 July 2004

Finally Registered

Posting exactly after a week.In view of the problems I had last week, you might have thought I would have learnt something by now and be an early bird. However, as they say some people never learn and I guess I am one of them. However, I went at 10:00 am and I didn't have to wait long to pay my fees which came to a little bit more than RM3000. However, when I reached the IPSP, it was clear that there were a lot of people like me who wait till the last moment to register. I couldn't find parking AGAIN. Had to park at the car park of a neighbouring institute AGAIN. AND worse of all, had to wait in QUEUE AGAIN. When I was finally doen, it was 5 minutes to 1:00 pm. That was nearly 3 hours.

I met an old collegue, with whom I used to work with for a while in one international NGO in KL. She was also registering. I don't know how or why but she got called earlier even though I was there before her. Anyway, I was just in time for the prayers at the Kelana Jaya mosque.

My classes start tonight. Just found that I missed the first class.

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