28 June 2004

Registration Chaos

In case you didn't know, I am continuing with my "higher' studies at the number 1 institute of higher learning in Malaysia as a part time student. Tried to register for my next semester in University of Malaya last saturday. I say tried because I couldn't.

It was partly my fault because I was quite late - started around 10:30am from the house. On reaching the IPSP (or Institute of Post Graduate Studies) I found that the parking was packed, with several cars double parked and took about half an hour reversing the car, going forward and round and round. I finally parked at an adjoining institute and walked to the place. On reaching the registration hall, found a huge crowd of post graduate students. I don't understand why they don't open up different registration dates for seperate faculties.

Anyway, after waiting for a while, I finally got my forms printed out and was able to find out how much I had to pay. Yes, I know. My tidak apa attitude - I didn't even know how much I had to pay. I quickly rushed to the bank (BCB) in the campus to deposit my fees. I was just in time to see them put up the "TUTUP" sign on the entrance. I forgot that banks in Malaysia close at 12:00 am on saturdays.

Had to go back to Kedah the same evening. Fortunately, the registration date is till the 2nd of July and so I have to wait till next week.

Lessons learnt:
1. Aurora Musis amica - Dawn is friend of the muses. (Early bird catches the worm.)
2. Animis opibusque parati - Prepared in minds and resources (ready for anything)
3. Tidak Apa - University Malaya is not going to change the way they run things for quite some time.

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