09 August 2010

My favourite pizza

Right now I am in the process of writing up my thesis and this means sitting in front of the pc most of the time. This means that I don't have much time to do most of the things I love - like blogging (the reason why this blog is not updated regularly), gardening (the lawn is is need mowing) let alone cook. My wife is in the same boat and she is writing up her thesis as well. We only cook for our son who needs a special diet and occasionally for ourselves. Thank God for Domino's Pizza which is just around the corner and of course the Internet.

Domino's became our favourite just because of the convenience and as for my favourite pizza - nothing fancy, the Original Cheese and Tomato. They also have subs and dessert as well. I am always on the lookout to save money and I usually go to the Voucher Hub - my favourite discount voucher site. They have online as well as printable voucher codes. The site updates vouchers available in the UK daily for high street stores such as Debenhams as well as online retailers like Littlewoods among others.

They have dominos discount codes as well and I always save some money every time I buy online by using their codes. All I have to do is click the discount code on the site and the code is automatically copid and I am taken to the site. One great deal I look forward to is Domino's special offer every Tuesday, where you get a pizza free for every one you buy. However, I sometimes get tired eating pizza and might go for a vege sub with a chocolate melt. Yummy!

Yes, you are right. All this rich food and lack of exercise means that I have been putting on some weight. But I am going to sign up with a gym once I submit my first draft and go on a strict heath regime.

Writing this is making my mouth water, and I think I will go down and grab the leftover from yesterday.


  1. I adore pizza! I'm not a fan of Dominoes, though.

    Happy blogoversary :)

  2. I have never used any discount voucher online because I hate those spammers who offer them. I guess its ok to try voucher hub based on your experience. Thanks for the referral. :)
