25 August 2010

Email from Margaret

I receive a lot of scam mails every day but this one caught my attention because of the picture they attached with the mail.

Margaret Steven
sender time Sent at 06:53 (UTC). Current time there: 22:48. ✆
reply-to margaretsteven22@hotmail.com
to Windows Live
date 24 August 2010 06:53
subject FW: Please Help!!
mailed-by hotmail.com

Dearest friend,
Am Margaret Steven from England, when i saw your Email contact on internet when searching, i decided to tell you about my situation, i have been diagnosed with cancer and i need your help in distributing my funds of $7.5M to charities. I contacted you because i strongly believe you are in a position to handle this project. Please get back to me soon if you will help me so that i can give you all the details on how to receive the fund without any delay.

Here is the picture of Margaret, that was attached with the email:


  1. I restrained myself from laughing. I don't know why people would use this kind of tactic. But seriously, does anyone believe this kind of email? I have also received this kind of email but I just ignore them as well as those chain letters. I also hate those who use the name of the Lord and "blackmail" you that if you don't send the email something terrible will happen. They're just irritating.

  2. Sorry to say this, but it is a scam. That woman in the picture was called Jade and she was a minor celeb (from Big Brother TV series) in the UK who died of cancer over a year ago. Can't believe people do this sort of scam

  3. Grame: I can't believe someone actually thought that I would fall for this scam.
