02 September 2009

Mango Lassi recipe

Here's the recipe of my home made mango lassi. This drink is very popular in the North Indian states especially Punjab and I developed a love for this drink during my undergraduate days in Himachal Pradesh.

It's really easy to make. Normally it is made using fresh dahi (
whole milk yogurt with live culture). Unfortunately as I don't have dahi, I have to make do with yogurt sold in Tesco in packs.

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 1 mango chopped
  • 100ml Mango juice
  • 250 g yogurt ( I have used Tesco Light Greek Style Yogurt)
  • 1 tbsp Sugar

Add all the ingredients together and mix

I added the mango juice as using only yogurt makes the lassi too thick.

Finally we have delicious Mango Lassi ready to be gulped down.

First commentator


  1. The Ingredient was normally simple and easy to prepare. I'll try the home made mango assi and serve it to guest if ever.

  2. Wow! Looks and sounds yummy, Adam. :)

  3. a neighbour sent me a box of mangoes yesterday. will sure try this! thanks

  4. So simple and soooo good! :)

    We stopped traveling one week ago and are settled down now in Melbourne FL. I will have time again to visit your blog more often and on a regular base :)


  5. Sounds yummy!

    Happy blogoversary!
