24 July 2009

What the hell is Twitter?

It comes as no surprise that so many people are curious about Twitter. After all, it's constantly in the news but I have had so many queries about it, I realised that most people have actually no idea what Twitter is all about.

For those who didn't know, Twitter is a social networking/ micro-blogging service. It's called micro-blogging because you are allowed only to post up to 140 characters which is displayed on your twitter profile and also sent out to your subscribers who are known as "followers".

If you have already set up your Twitter profile but don't seem to have many followers you might want to read "Why people don't follow you on Twitter".

This new phenomena has resulted in whole new set of words, which I guess will soon be included in the Oxford dictionary. These include among others:
  • Tweet: A post/ update on Twitter
  • Tweeting: To post a tweet on Twitter
  • Twitterer: Someone who tweets.
  • Tweeps: Friends on Twitter, which I guess is derived from "Peeps".
The reason why it is tweet not twit and tweeting not twitting on Twitter is quite obvious.

One warning though - it's really addictive and sometime back I was tweeting like crazy everyday. In fact, I was the top twitterer in Coventry for quite sometime but I slowed down a bit now and have fallen to the 4th rank according to Twittergrader.

Anyway, follow me on Twitter @admutum


  1. Indeed Twitter is addictive and I also find it more dynamic than blogging! Keep on tweeting :)

  2. Thanks for dropping by July. Twitter has definitely resulted in a reduction in my blogging frequency. Don't know whether that's good.

  3. That's a pretty nice little description. Thanks for that. Just watch out - twitter is highly addictive.

  4. My friend told me about twitter that it is the best and new way to remain connected but i want to know little more about twitter now i found this on your blogs. Thanks for sharing this useful information.
