18 June 2009

UUM website hacked

Just went to the Universiti Utara Malaysia (Northern University of Malaysia) website to check some contact details and was shocked to see that it had been hacked, apparently by some hackers from Indonesia. They left some political messages on the screen.

This is not the first time the UUM website has been hacked and it's surprising that don't seem to have learnt the lesson. The University was one of the most innovative in Malaysia and they were quite proud of their IT services. The hype may have actually attracted hackers to target them.

Anyway, hope they get the site up and running soon.

First Commentator


  1. Hacked? I think UUM need to improve the security of the website. It such a long time I never been to UUM website and I just check this out after reading your post.

  2. They definitely need to do something. I think the last time it was hacked was just last month.

  3. The sysadmin need to do something in hardening their security, same goes to other gov agencies as well. This is not the 1st time malaysian web sites been defaced by indonesian hackers.

  4. I hope the hacker is caught by the police.

  5. Well I am not a fan of Malaysia but I think hacking a school website is bad...

  6. This is disturbing in a way. I can't believe such website will be hacked. Anyway, that's how scary hackers are these days.

    Let's all be extra careful with our own blogs and other online accounts.

    Have a great day!

  7. I think for years I never log in into the portal after I had graduated.

    UUM really need to upgrade their security system from hacker! Do not imitate the same mistake like USM did recently or others ridiculous mistakes. TQ!

  8. Hi Andy, It looks like you are doing great. Your site looks terrific. Good luck.

  9. Hi Mr. Adam,

    I back for blogging with my success friend's help.

    How's your life and work now? Do always take care, keep healthy & happy!
