29 June 2009


My strawberries are really doing well. 100% organic. It initially started out with 2 plants about two years ago and now I have a whole patch.


This is my
Join Green Thumb Sunday

Do visit As the Garden Grows for more information.


  1. Hi, Mr. Adam

    I love strawberries...may I have some please? hehe...have a nice day!

  2. mmmmmmmmmmmm STRAWBERRIES!!

    I am from a farming town and I haven't had some strawberries in YEARS!!

    I cant wait till we get a house so I can get my green thumb back!

  3. Hmm... they're looking good! Since we moved to a new place, we now only have a small patch here.

    Btw, we went strawberry picking at the Milt Kiln Farm (hope I got that right). It was the end of the first batch. I think it'll be better in July because then you have not only strawberries, but the other berries as well!

  4. I absolutely love strawberries but I now live so far away from out strawberry capital. I can't even find decent picks in the supermarket. sigh

  5. Your strawberries are great. Wow.. they look so yummy! Thanks for sharing.

    Nino Natividad

  6. oh, so that's how strawberry plants look like. :)

    i love strawberry with cream. :)

  7. wow - your strawberries look real nice. I personally have aubergines, chillies, mint, papayas growing at my place back in Malaysia

  8. Mmmm... strawberries! I think I'll get some and mix myself a delicious milkshake!

  9. Andy: Sure you can but you would have to come here to the UK.

    Michael: I am sure you can get some from the local supermarket.

    D. Would love to visit the farm as well. I am sure the kids would love it.

    Grace: Good luck. Here the best are the Marks and Spencer ones.

    Nino: No problem. Do drop by again.

    Babypink: Me too. Sometimes dipped in chocolate.

    Praveen: Thanks

    Bajki dla Dzieci: Thanks for dropping by. hope the shake was tasty.

  10. It is great to have your own strawberry plantation. You always know where did those fruits came from and how natural they are. You say that they are 100% organic - and this is the most important in time of using so many artificial substances added to any food. I'm also reconsidering the idea of having my own fruits and vegetables (some investment is needed here) just to eat healthy. It's that simple. You put something in the ground and it grows!
