03 May 2009

Swine Flu and Winnie the Pooh

Another forwarded mail. Thought it was really funny.

On a more serious note, the Swine Flu is one in the long list of the diseases which have jumped to humans from animals - AIDs, Mad cow disease, Foot-and-mouth, Chicken flu and now Swine flu.

Apart from AIDs, apparently all the diseases are from domesticated animals reared as food. Maybe we should all go vegetarian.

First Commentator
Emila Yusof


  1. lol!

    vegetarian is not a bad idea!

  2. Hi Emila, That's why I have been a vegetarian for a long time.

  3. Haha, a classic approach, it's always funny ;)
    Being a vegetarian is not that bad, once you learn that it's not only about eating lettuce, like some people think :P

  4. hahahah I ever thoought that pooh and swine flu can be related.. hahahah

  5. I know.. but give up on meat completely? awww its too hard...

  6. Hahaha hilarious! Also I don't think there's anything to worry about. Most common diseases kill more peopl than this whole swine flu - it's just another world-wide panic. We can thank media for that.

  7. LOL classic, brought a smile to my face on a Monday morning...
