05 March 2009

Rewarding the 1st commentator

Following in the footsteps of the extremely talented Emila, I have decided to add a link to the blog/ website of the first commentator on every post at the bottom of the post.

This will help increase traffic to their own sites as well. My way of saying a big Thank You to supporters of my blog.

1st Commentator


  1. Hey there. This is a cool idea. It's a good way to get more interaction from your readers and encourages them to leave comments in hopes of being the first one. I need to take a look into getting this on my page. Later!

  2. Hi Metallman, I have decided to make this a permanent feature on my blog and you are the first guy to comment, so up goes your name and link.

  3. Thanks Emila. I got learnt it from the best ;-)
