26 January 2009

Gaza Protest at University of Warwick

UPDATED: 30 Jan 2009

Had wanted to blog about this earlier but somehow didn't know what to write.

Students here at the University of Warwick have taken over a lecture room (S0.21)in the Social Studies buildings in support of the victims of the conflict in Gaza. They are still there.

Their demands include:
  1. Warwick University should suspend all relations with companies which supply the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. This includes BAE Systems, MBDA, GE Aviation, QinetiQ and Rolls Royce.
  2. That the University donate old computer equipment and textbooks to universities in Palestine, specifically those that were partially destroyed in Gaza during the current Israeli military operation.
  3. That the University fund and provide logistical support for a series of talks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
The University authorities has since moved classes scheduled in the room to other alternative rooms.

Check out The Warwick Solidarity Sit-In site for more info.

There were several other protests here in the campus.

A few days back people going to the Library were shocked to see five student protesters covered in white burial shrouds and lying on the ground with red paint covering them. University security moved in and stopped the "theatrical protest" after someone complained. The five second year Theatre students viewed the event as a performance protest.

Israel has collectively punished the Palestinians in Gaza for the actions of the Hamas and left a Humanitarian crisis.

While I am happy that the bombings have stopped but wonder how long the shaky ceasefire in Gaza will last. The recent outbreak of violence is not the first and has been going on for more than 60 years now. Hamas is still there. Israel still hasn't lifted economic blockade.

It's easy for me to sit here in my comfortable chair writing this but I wonder how the people are faring there in concentration camp Gaza.


  1. Thanks for your support mate
    Chris (at the sit-in)

  2. No problem Chris. Keep up the good work.

  3. Doubt if the older citizens in Israel would agree with you about Gaza being a concentration camp--some of them know the feel of a real camp---but we all have our opinions and they are shaped by many varied events in our lives. But that statement to me, seems a bridge too far. Enjoy seeing the scences on your blog of Merry old England and of your family will visit you again before long. Does it snow much over your way?

  4. Hi Ron, Thanks for dropping by. I think we have seen the last snow for this winter (keeps finger crossed).
    Regarding my comment about Gaza being a concentration camp - I guess it is more like the Warsaw Ghetto during 2nd WW. However, as we have seen from history, the oppressed can sometimes becomes the worst oppressors.
