06 January 2009

Back to cold Coventry

london star on street

We are finally back in cold Coventry after a few days in London. Did some house hunting, some shopping and a lot of walking.

My sister-in-law had only about two weeks to find a house and we saw some houses. Today I learnt that she has put in an offer for the first house we saw. I guess the parking, easy access to the tube and proximity to the park did the trick.


The shopping was good but personally I prefer Coventry with our small cozy house with cheap rental) the huge garden. We can also park anywhere along the road totally free-of-charge.

Driving in London is a nightmare with traffic jams,the congestion charges and limited parking. Even though the tube are regular and most efficient way to get around the city, they are not exactly cheap and not really child friendly either.


  1. Hi, Happy New Year. Traffic is always a problem to big cities. Although I live in a city, I don't really have problems with the traffic because I'm a full time blogger and I avoid traffic peak hours everytime I go out :)

  2. Nevertheless, please don't be put off of London. You still come and visit will ya? We also will make a trip to Coventry. Perhaps, once we get hold of a car.

  3. Never been to "Merry Ole England". Only thing I know about Coventry is that the Germans bombed it badly in WWII. Any signs of that left for historical purposes? I live in the deep south in the states. Doesn't get real cold here to often. Enjoy your new home.

  4. Most of the city has been rebuilt and should I say, not too well. However, they are trying to uplift the image of the city by starting a huge urban renewal project.

    One reminder of the war are the ruins of St Michael's Cathedral.

  5. hi adam great pics...

    just wondrin, are you the one on the first and second photos with the little girl? coz there's a guy also on the train..

    anyways nice blog..

  6. Hi Blog Diva, I am the one on the train. The guess the guy you are referring to is my brother-in-law whom my daughter calls Ayah Muz.
