08 December 2008

Melayu Boleh revisited

One thing about Search Engine Optimisation is that you cannot afford to rest on your laurels. Take my 'Melayu Boleh' project for example - which started out as a competition initiated by Mohd. Suhaimy but later became a personal campaign to dislodge porn blogs from Google search results for the above search terms.

I eventually won the challenge on February 02, 2007. That was a great effort and in fact, the first results page didn't have any links to porn sits for a while.

On January 12, 2007, my post was #4 in Google search results for melayu boleh. It even went up to #2 and I think that was the highest it ever went up to.

It later dropped and I had to work hard to bring it back to #8 position in Google - 18 Aug 2008.

However, I stopped bothering after a while and now my post is nowhere to be found on Google results.

You can Digg it here.


  1. Nice work man..keep it up.

  2. For your information, at Jombincang.com Forum, there are SEO contest on Melayu Boleh, with same purpose as the first contest which held by Wangcyber forum.

    If you see the keyword Melayu Boleh at Google, there a lot of site were exploit the search term..

    If you didn't joining the contest, please support my blog. Thank you.
