07 November 2008

President Barak Obama

As we all know Obama, the son of a black father from Kenya and white mother from Kansas, will be sworn in as the 44th US president on January 20, 2009.

Is it possible that the UK might have a black, mixed race or even an Asian as the Prime Minister.

How about Malaysia? Will we ever see a Chinese or Indian Prime Minister?

I guess that might take a little more time.

BTW, I am sure you have heard or read about his Indonesian connection but do you know the Malaysian connection.

Well Obama's Half-sister Maya Soetoro-Ng is married to Konrad Ng, a Canadian of Malaysian Chinese descent. His parents are from Kudat and Sandakan,Sabah, Malaysia.

Anyway, the two best things that ever happened to Obama were probably the controversy that his Pastor started (read Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11) and when John McCain announced Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Regarding the pastor, many who were NOT going to vote for Obama because they thought he was a Muslim, suddenly thought: "Wait a minute! He's got a Pastor, which means he goes to Church and therefore, he's not a Muslim".

As for Sarah Palin, read Palin 'Said Africa Was A Country'.

Watch Obama in Chicago:


  1. I agree. One of the best things that happened to Obama was when McCain chose Palin as VP. That gave Obama a lot of votes.

  2. Lets hope Lim Guan Eng will make it to be the first Chinese PM of M'sia.

  3. He has a Malaysian connection to eh? Wow! I have families in Kudat and Sandakan.

  4. It seems to me that almost every country is getting more and more racially diverse people. We should base our decisions on the platforms of those running for office not their ethnicity or skin color.

  5. obama is the best !

  6. i hope he can stop the war and make us economony better again.

  7. obama's family is just a rainbow of different races aren't they. They are really good example to rest of the world
