22 September 2008

Working and studying

A quick post from the office. I am helping one of the centres in the University of Warwick, update their website. It's a temporary job but the pay is not that bad. It is but one of the various temporary, part-time and short-term contractual work that I have taken up. I need to work to pay for my fees which has unfortunately increased. It's no wonder that UK Universities love non-EU foreign students.

The only problem is that it is adversely affecting my studies. My research has been left on a back burner. I had planned to complete my PhD in the stipulated three years but that is slowly looking like an unrealistic dream now. Considering the fact that NO ONE has ever completed his/ her PhD degree from the Warwick Business School within 3 years also adds to this possibility.

I don't know how I am not going to manage once the classes start in full swing and I start teaching. And I am supposed to be a full time student with no possibility of converting to part time.

Wonder how I am going to manage. Completing my PhD in time is still my top priority.


  1. Less blogging!..hahaha...just joking...keep blogging. Love to read about a student's life in UK.
    Selamat Berpuasa!

  2. Hang in there! Challenging time during Puasa month...
    btw, advanced Selamat Hari Raya to you and ur family next week1

  3. PhD? I don't even have a MASTER degree. No time to study. :(

  4. Well, you'll probably be the first one! All the best!

  5. Good luck in your endeavors. Hang in there, you can do it!

  6. Thanks for your comments girls.

  7. Hang in there! We all go through hard times, but let me tell you something, this WILL be an experience for you, and someday you'll say to yourself...I accomplished that!

  8. Thanks for your ords of encourage ment Thomas, Neomesuff
