19 September 2008

Are bedrooms important for you

It's quite funny when I found out that the for most people (at least people I know) the kitchen and bathrooms are the main rooms that make them decide whether they want to rent or buy a house. I guess we don't fall into that category because the rental was the most important thing in our head plus we didn't cook that much (that has changed now). Now coming back to the rooms, the two rooms I mentioned above are the rooms that we spend the least amount of time during a day (of course may be different for people who love to cook). Most of us tend to ignore the room we spend the maximum time in - the bedroom. I read somewhere (can't recall the source) that we spend around 25 years of our lives on the bed.

Also ignored are the Bedroom Furniture. We simply don't care about the bed we sleep on. I have been reading up on how important a good night's sleep is. I can sleep almost anywhere but my wife has been complaining about our old bed and I think it's time we go and look for a new one. And it's not just about comfort. I am not sure about you guys but I prefer Modern Bedroom Furniture. Unlike a lot of Malaysians I know, I am simply not into period furniture - antique or reproduction.

If you are thinking of renting out or selling your property, I would recommend going for Contemporary Bedroom Furniture. I learnt this from watching various home improvement shows on TV. Of course it all depends on your own taste of interior design.

1 comment:

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