24 July 2008

Guide to Sculptures at the University of Warwick

Among the first things you will notice when you walk around the University of Warwick campus are the sculptures scattered at different locations across the campus. It's quite interesting and we often play games guessing what they are meant to represent.

Here are a few samples:

Sculpture University of Warwick
Let's Not Be Stupid by Richard Deacon

This is the most visible. In front of the Rootes Building and near the bus stands. Looks like giant handcuffs.

warwick sculpture
Flayed Stone III by Peter Randall

Near car park 7. Bad model of a giant's brain.

Grown in the Field by Avtarjeet Dhanjal

Social Studies Building. Screws coming out of the grass.

White Koan by Liliane Lijn

In front of the Warwick Art's Centre. Yes, It's an inverted white cone.

Behind the Social Studies Building, Warwick Business School


There are a few more but I didn't get the chance to take pictures. Maybe later.

Also visit the University of Warwick's "Sculptures page" for more information on each piece of art.


  1. THe first one seems interesting. It somehow reminds me of Salvador Dali.

    Lol, the 'Ahem' gave me the clue!

  2. nice photo..


