12 July 2008

Datuk Nicol David

A few years back I wrote a blog post "Datuk Nicol", calling for reigning world woman's squash champion Nicol David to be awarded a Datukship. However, I never thought that it would become a reality considering her age, etc. etc.

Well today, I learnt that she was awarded the Darjah Setia Pangkuan Negeri (DSPN) award which carries the title Datuk, by the Penang state government. Only 25 years old, she is the state's youngest Datuk.

Photo from "Nicol David Online".

Congratulations Nicol. You deserve it.


  1. Datuk Nicol David- yea!! :)

    Editor, NDOnline.com

  2. She earned it. Bravo, Datuk Nicol. She from Penang, Malaysia.

  3. That is so impressive - Datuk at only 25. I really hope Squash starts getting more prominence in America because it truly is an impressive sport.

  4. She really deserve it , after working so hard to make Malaysia no 1

    Malaysia Boleh
