25 December 2007

Self help hypnosis sessions

Mandrake the Magician
As a kid, one of my comic heroes was Mandrake the magician, who like other super heroes, went around doing doing good deeds and fighting villains of all shape and sizes including aliens. He's actually been accepted as the first comic superhero.

When anyone mentions hypnosis, the first thing that comes to mind is Mandrake the Magician. I guess the mere mention of the word can conjure up various images in different people including the funny character in British TV's Little Britain.

The reason I brought up my childhood comic character is because I just came across the Instant-Hypnosis.com (http://www.instant-hypnosis.com). The site is possibly the "World's largest hypnosis site". They offer around 300 hypnosis sessions that can be downloaded instantly. These hypnosis downloads range from self improvement sessions to ones that are designed to help people with addictions and bad habits. I read in the newspapers recently that hypnosis has been successfully used by a lot of people to cure them of their smoking addiction.

Best of all is their " 100% Satisfaction Guarantee". If you are not satisfied with any of their products, you can ask for a complete refund up to 90 days after purchasing your product. They also have multi-purchase discounts and a affiliate program in place as well. Check out the site for more information.


  1. i don't know, but there's something about hypnosis that scares me. hehehe:) i heard that it's also used for regression.

    have you tried hypnosis?

  2. When I was younger - looking into the mirror and talking to myself to boost confidence - I know it sounds strange. Later learnt that this was self hypnosis.

  3. Hypnosis is favorite subject.
    I can hypnotize people.

  4. I love comics . Mandrake 's also one of my super heroes.Really , how can we forget about his hypnosis..Freeze..Its just Great you mentioned about him .Lovely..
