09 November 2007

Boring academics

Yesterday, I attended the most boring seminar ever! I don't know whether it was due to the fact that the lecturer was dealing with a topic which was certainly of no interest to me or because this guy kept on droning on and on for hours in a monotonous tone.

I nearly dozed off twice even though I had a cup of coffee just before the seminar. Don't ask me why but I couldn't leave the hall. I asked a friend sitting next to me if he understood anything. He had been listening attentively (or so I thought). "I lost him in the first 10 minutes", he replied. Felt a bit better when I realised that I was not alone. Noticed a guy in the row in front of me dozing off as well and he was a lecturer.

It's funny but I suddenly realised that a lot of renowned academics have such poor presentation skills. Then I thought to myself "Am I this boring as well?". I don't think so but it is something I have to watch out now I am on the way to become an academician as well.


  1. Hi A, I haven't been here for a while. How's things with you? enjoying your lectures? Doesn't sound like it :P Just wanna say hello - hope you are well!

  2. lol. It happens, Adam. Yes vocal variety is important when it comes to delivering a lecture - so as not to put everyone in a sleepy mood.
