27 October 2007

1K + posts

This is my 1001st post on this blog.

My blog also turned 4 last month. My first blog post was on Monday, September 08, 2003 and it has come a long way since then.

I picked up a lot of skills as I went along and learnt from other bloggers. Through this blog, I made some really good online friends, most of whom I have never met in person but feel like I know them personally.

I would like to say a BIG "Thank You!" to all the visitors to my blog.


  1. hey adam, THANK YOU to you too for letting us read something via your blog. haha. it works both way.

    congrats on your 1001 post and on your 4th anniversary. here's wishing you more and more blogging years to come.

  2. congrats dude
    1000 post is an amazing amount of effort
    keep up the great effort

  3. WOW 4 years old !!! hope you keep blogging !!!

  4. congratulations on your 1001st post!!!!! 4 years is really long, hope more blogging years to come for you!!!!


  5. Congratulations! 1001 posts in4 years - these are amazing numbers!
    Keep on rockin' and bloggin' :)

    Greets Julia

  6. Congratulations! Keep rocking..Budding bloggers like me have you for inspiration.
