12 September 2007

Dame Anita Roddick passes away

Was quite sad when I heard that one of my idols - Dame Anita Roddick, has passed away. She was 64 and died of brain hemorrhage. She is survived by her husband Gordon, and daughters Sam and Justine.

Anita was the founder of the ethical cosmetics firm Body Shop. Besides popularising cosmetics made from natural products, she was involved in so many causes. This included ending animal testing, stopping deforestation in the rain forest, helping indigenous farmers in poor nations, ending whale hunting and lots more.

She opened her first shop in Brighton, in 1976. and as they say, the rest is history. It was taken over by French cosmetics giant L’OrĂ©al for about $1.14 billion last year. Quite ironic considering that they have done away with animal testing.

She was made a Dame of the British Empire in 2003.

Read related news on the BBC site: Dame Anita Roddick dies aged 64 and on the New York Times: Anita Roddick, Body Shop Founder, Dies at 64

1 comment:

  1. I discovered the untimely passing of Anita Roddick when logging onto my e-mail this morning. As someone who is an empowered survivor of domestic violence, an activist within the US domestic violence awareness and prevention community, and a staunch believer in non-compromised economic empowerment for women, Dame Roddick, through example, inspired me to develop a fine art photography business (Hummingbird Studios), in addition to creating an emerging non-profit organization (Esperanza! A Woman's Hope) whose mission is to economically empower survivors of domestic violence. Although I never met her personally, her passion and convictions have existed as a perpetual source of support and inspiration to me.

    You will be missed, Anita!

    Peace and Joy to your Celestial Spirit, for you are surely soaring with the Angels!

    Phyllis Walker
    Owner: Hummingbird Studios Photography
    Founder: Esperanza! A Woman’s Hope, Inc.
    PO Box 384
    Lovejoy, GA 30250
